Who We Are
The MAC is governed by a Board of Directors composed of two (2) Representatives from each District, the Past President (Chairman), a President and a Vice President.
The Board directives are executed by a five (5) member Executive Committee consisting of the Past President (Chairman), the President, the Vice President, a Director of Internal Affairs and a Director of Financial Affairs.
Kristine Dowell
Executive Director
Manages staff and works with Board of Directors in the development of all policies and programs. The ED oversees all outside consultants, executes contracts, administers legal, legislative, fundraising, advocacy, and membership agendas, and oversees annual budget.
For assistance with: MAC, Legal, Legislative email kris@chiromi.com
Angela Psaros, M.B.A.
Assistant Director
Works with the Audit & Budget Committee to execute all daily MAC business, manages accounting/billing procedures, and prepares all budgets and tax reports. Oversees all administrative initiatives.
For assistance with: MAC Administration and Business email angela@chiromi.com
Tim Gaughan
Communications Director
Works with the Public Relations Committee to research and compose Journal articles and other informational materials, prepares membership materials, regular email updates, district newsletters, oversees public relations initiatives, and maintains the MAC research library.
For assistance with: Public Relations and MAC Districts tim@chiromi.com
Lisa Love-Smith
Membership/Programs Director
Works with the Program Committee and the Membership Committee to develop and direct all aspects of programs (conventions, seminars, webinars), coordinate all MAC meetings/events, and oversee all membership strategies and benefits.
For assistance with: Programs, Membership, and Licensure email lisa@chiromi.com
Wes Hoffrichter, M.B.A.
Business Development Director
Leads technology projects, develops and maintains MAC website, www.chiromi.com, manages MAC-PAC accounting and reporting, MAC social media accounts, and performs other managerial duties in support of the Executive Director. Also serves as the Lead Project Manager for MAC Subsidiaries, MichiCare and AmeriProtect.
For assistance with: MAC websites, Technology, Social Media, and MACPAC email wes@chiromi.com
Kristen Meyn
Administrative Assistant
Assists staff with administrative duties including advertising support, membership database assistance, and HR help.
For assistance email kristen@chiromi.com
Paul Day
Administrative Manager
Manages administrative duties of the MAC office. Assists other personnel with various tasks.
For assistance email paul@chiromi.com
Board of Directors
MAC Board Members
District 1
- Dr. Susan Blaskay
- Dr. Barry Hobbs
District 2
- Dr. Eric DiMartino
- Nick Hartop
District 3
- Dr. Robert Levine
- Dr. Sara Whedon
District 4
- Dr. Dan Painter
- Dr. John Smarch
District 5
- Dr. Steven Simmons
- Dr. Wesley Harpham
District 6
- Dr. M. Douglas Lynes
- Dr. Michael Dense
District 7
- Dr. Eric Hartman
- Dr. Ron Wilcox, Jr.
District 8
- Dr. E. Allen Klumpp
- Dr. Lewis Squires
Executive Committee
Robert Markle, DC | President
The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Organization. The President shall be responsible for the general and active management of the business of the Organization. The President shall see that all orders and resolutions of the BOD are carried into effect. The President shall preside over the Executive Committee meetings. The President shall preside over all general membership meetings.
Kenneth Murkowski, II, DC | Vice-President
The Vice President shall be the liaison between the Executive Committee and the Governmental Relations Committee and the Legal Affairs Committee and be directly responsible to coordinate such staff, and consultants as are required to carry out their functions.
Steven Simmons, DC | Director of Internal Affairs
The Director of Internal Affairs shall be the liaison between the Executive Committee and the Ethics, Professional Conduct and Peer Review committee, the Insurance Relations Committee and Education and Programs Committee and be directly responsible to coordinate such staff and consultants as are required to carry out their functions.
M. Douglas Lynes, DC | Director of Financial Affairs
The Director of Financial Affairs shall be the liaison between the Executive committee and the Membership, Recruitment and Benefits Committee and the Audit and Budget Committee, and be directly responsible to coordinate all staff and consultants whose chief purpose involves the financial affairs of the Organization.
Lisa Olszewski, DC | Chairman of the Board
The Chairman of the Board shall preside over meetings of the Board of Directors. The Chairman of the Board shall be the liaison between the Executive Committee and the Public Relations Committee, and be directly responsible to coordinate such staff, and consultants as are required to carry out its functions. The Chairman of the Board shall serve as Chair of the Leadership Committee.