Complete Story


MAC Executive Committee – Working for YOU and YOUR Patients

Dr. Lisa Olszewski, Dr. Robert Markle, Dr. Steven Simmons, Dr. M. Douglas Lynes, and Dr. Eric DiMartino Working Hard Every Day to Better the Profession in Michigan

2022 marks the second year of the current MAC Executive Committee’s two-year term. Every two years, MAC members vote for President and Vice President/Director of External Affairs, the Board of Directors elects one of their members to the positions of Director of Internal Affairs and Director of Financial Affairs, and the immediate past president assumes the position of Chair of the Board.

In November 2022, Dr. Lisa Olszewski of Chelsea was elected President, and Dr. Robert Markle of Bay City was elected Vice President/Director of External Affairs. At the January 2021 Board meeting, Dr. Steven Simmons of Midland was elected by the Board to serve as Director of Internal Affairs, and Dr. M. Douglas Lynes of Portage was elected by the Board to serve as Director of Financial Affairs, joining Dr. Olszewski and Dr. Markle on the Executive Committee. And, as per MAC By-Laws, outgoing Dr. Eric DiMartino of Chesterfield, who served as MAC President from 2019-2020, became the fifth and final member of the 2021-2022 MAC Executive Committee, serving as Chairman of the Board.

Check out the MAC’s 2021 Annual Report and see what the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, Committee members, outside consultants, and staff accomplished last year to advance the profession in Michigan!

About the MAC Executive Committee

Olszewski F20Dr. Lisa Olszewski, President

Dr. Lisa Olszewski is the first woman to serve as President of the MAC. As President, Dr. Olszewski serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the MAC and is responsible for the general and active management of the business of the organization. She is also charged with ensuring that all orders and resolutions of the MAC Board of Directors are put into effect. The President also presides over Executive Committee and general membership meetings. During 2019-2020, Dr. Olszewski served as Vice President/Director of External Affairs.

In 2013, in an historic vote of the MAC Board of Directors, Dr. Olszewski became the first woman to serve on the MAC Executive Committee with her election to the position of Director of Financial Affairs. The winner of the 2012 MAC Rising Star Award, she was the first student from Palmer ever elected as National Chairperson of the Student American Chiropractic Association (SACA). She was an active leader within numerous clubs, classes, and organizations, and has received various awards demonstrating her commitment to excellence, including 2002 “Member of the Year” (SACA), the John Connolly Memorial Award (Outstanding Graduate – Palmer), and the 2002-2003 Member of the Year (Palmer Student ACA). Until her election as Vice President, she continuously represented District 4 on the Board of Directors since 2010. She has also served in numerous leadership positions within District 4, including President from 2012-2018.

Markle Head ShotDr. Robert Markle, Vice President/Director of External Affairs

As Vice President/Director of External Affairs, Dr. Markle acts as the liaison between the Executive Committee and the Government Affairs and Legal Affairs committees. He is directly responsible to coordinate such staff and consultants as are required to carry out these important committees’ functions. During the 2019-2020 Executive Committee term, Dr. Markle served as Director of Financial Affairs, on the Board of Directors representing District 5, and as a member of the Government Relations Committee. In 2020, Dr. Markle was named the MAC’s “Chiropractor of the Year” for his work as a first responder who responded tirelessly when the Midland community faced massive flooding at the end of May.

Dr. Markle has served on the MAC Board of Directors representing District 5 since the inception of the MAC in 2007. In 2015, he re-joined the Executive Committee after a nearly 10-year absence, serving as Director of Financial Affairs. During the MAC’s first two years (2007-2008), Dr. Markle served on the Executive Committee as Director of Internal Affairs. In 2013, Dr. Markle was the recipient of the MAC Community Champion Award, given yearly “in recognition and appreciation of their unselfish commitment to serving others and their community.” Dr. Markle has also been awarded the MAC Dedicated Service Award as a member of the Sergeant-at-Arms Subcommittee. Dr. Markle has served his state association in many ways over the years, including as President of MAC District 5.

Simmons PicDr. Steven Simmons, Director of Internal Affairs

Director of Internal Affairs Dr. Steven Simmons is serving his first term on the Executive Committee. In this position, Dr. Simmons acts as the liaison between the Executive Committee and the Ethics, Professional Conduct & Peer Review Committee, as well as the Insurance Relations and Education & Programs committees. He is directly responsible to coordinate such staff and consultants as required to carry out these committees’ functions. Dr. Simmons also continues to serve on the MAC Board of Directors representing District 5. He has also served as Vice Chair of the Ethics and Professional Conduct Peer Review Committee and as a member of the Legal Affairs Committee. In 2020, he and his wife, Vanessa, received the MAC’s “Community Champion Award” “in recognition and appreciation of their unselfish commitment to serving others and their community” for his efforts during the “500-year flood event” in Midland.

A 1999 graduate of Palmer, Dr. Simmons was voted by his Palmer classmates “Most Likely to Build a Shrine to B.J. Palmer.” He has fulfilled that title. His collection includes more than four sets of the original green books, several original portable adjusting tables, and an original knee chest table from the 1900s. He currently also serves as the Michigan State Representative for Palmer College of Chiropractic’s Alumni Association. He has been a Palmer College of Chiropractic Presidents Club member since March 2003.

LynesHead ShotDr. M. Douglas Lynes, Director of Financial Affairs

Director of Financial Affairs Dr. M. Douglas Lynes is also serving on the Executive Committee for the first time. In this important post, Dr. Lynes serves as liaison between the Executive Committee and the Audit & Budget and Membership Recruitment & Benefits committees. He is directly responsible to coordinate all staff and consultants whose chief purpose involves the financial affairs of the organization.

Dr. Lynes has served as a member of the MAC Board of Directors representing District 6 since 2014. He currently serves on the Government Relations Committee and the Public Relations Committee. A 1996 graduate of Palmer, he served as an Associate Clinical Instructor for Activator Methods from 2015-2018.

DiMartino Head ShotDr. Eric DiMartino, Chairman of the Board

As Chairman of the Board, Dr. DiMartino presides over MAC Board of Directors meetings and acts as the liaison between the Executive Committee and the Public Relations Committee. Dr. DiMartino served as MAC President from 2019-2020. His tenure as President was marked by his leadership through the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic and the passage of the MAC’s auto no-fault legislation, House Bill 4449.

In his time with the MAC, Dr. DiMartino has served as Director of Financial Affairs (2015-2016) and continuously as a member of the Board of Directors representing District 2 since 2009. He has been a member of the Public Relations Committee since the inception of the MAC in 2007. During this time, the Committee has built an invaluable relationship with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) that led to our partnering on such initiatives as the MAC Business and Health Fair Screenings Programs.

In 2017, he was named the MAC’s Chiropractor of the Year “in appreciation for valuable leadership, service, and dedication above and beyond the call of duty to the chiropractic profession.” In 2015, he was given the MAC’s “Visionary Award” “in appreciation for exceptional service and dedication to the future of the chiropractic profession.” He was also named the MAC’s “Rising Star” for 2008. A 2002 Palmer graduate, he has previously served as District 2 President, Vice President, and Treasurer.

District Officers

Each year, chiropractors across the state join at their district meetings to elect half of the Board of Directors and all MAC district officer positions. Last year, due to the pandemic, district elections were held during the December Virtual All-District Meeting. Results included:

District 1Dr. Susan Blaskay of Livonia was re-elected to serve another two-year term on the MAC Board of Directors. Dr. Blaskay was also re-elected to a one-year term as District 1 President. Dr. Barry Hobbs of Livonia was elected to a one-year term as Vice President.

District 2Dr. Nick Hartop of Chesterfield Township was re-elected to serve another two-year term on the MAC Board of Directors. Dr. Elra Morgan of Marine City was re-elected to another one-year term as District 2 President, Dr. Mackenzie Goss of Sterling Heights will continue as District 2 Treasurer, and Dr. Jack Goss of Sterling Heights will continue as Secretary.

District 3Dr. Robert Levine of Farmington Hills was re-elected to serve another two-year term on the MAC Board of Directors. Dr. Rick Levine of Southfield was re-elected to a one-year term as District 3 President, and Dr. Adam Rodnick of Commerce Township was re-elected Vice President.

District 4Dr. Dan Painter of Hillsdale was re-elected to serve another two-year term on the MAC Board of Directors. Dr. John Smarch of Jackson was re-elected to another term as District 4 President.

District 5Dr. Steven Simmons of Midland was re-elected to serve another two-year term on the MAC Board of Directors. Dr. Corey Rodnick of Midland was re-elected to another one-year term as District 5 President, Dr. Paul Rodnick of Saginaw was re-elected to another term as Vice President, Dr. Dan Greene of Prescott was re-elected to another term as Treasurer, and Dr. Khaled El-Ganainy of Burton was re-elected Secretary.

District 6Dr. Jeromy Myers of Battle Creek was re-elected to serve another two-year term on the MAC Board of Directors and another one-year term as District 6 President.

District 7Dr. Eric Hartman of Jenison was re-elected to serve a two-year term on the MAC Board of Directors. Dr. Matt Barton of Grand Rapids was re-elected to another one-year term as President, Dr. David Ireland of Grand Haven will continue as Vice President, Dr. Kelli Wilcox-DeGraaf of Comstock Park will continue as Treasurer, and Dr. Nicole Tilton of Middleville will serve another term as Secretary.

District 8Dr. E. Allen Klumpp of Marquette was re-elected to serve another two-year term on the MAC Board of Directors. Dr. Brandon Turino of Marquette was re-elected to another one-year term as District 8 President

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