Complete Story
Daniel Burnham Award for a Comprehensive Plan
City of Albion Comprehensive Plan
City of Albion and Beckett and Raeder, Inc.
Over several years, Albion has made a concerted effort to be more transparent, predictable, and efficient by engaging in future-oriented endeavors, such as becoming certified with Redevelopment Ready Communities© program, updating its zoning ordinance, and adopting a new comprehensive plan. As part of a robust engagement, Albion College students were asked to “design” a city which captured two different land use scenarios: 1) designing their “dream” city where they would like to live, and 2) redesigning their “dream” city based on a list of constraints. The relationship between denser neighborhoods and more open/public space was a clear preference and an important takeaway in developing the Future Land Use Map. Jurors said, "The plan was easy to read and contained communicative graphics." Congratulations to the City of Albion and Beckett and Raeder!