About MAP

The Michigan Association of Planning (MAP) is a 501 c 3 organization, dedicated to promoting sound community planning that benefits the residents of Michigan. MAP was established in 1945 to achieve a desired quality of life through comprehensive community planning that includes opportunities for a variety of lifestyles and housing, employment, commercial activities, and cultural and recreational amenities.

Today, MAP has a membership of over 4,000, and seventy percent of our members are citizens appointed to planning commissions and zoning boards of appeal. Some 1,000 of our members are professional planners and professionals from ancillary fields such as architecture, landscape architecture, engineering, law, the private development community, students and others. We have been in the business of educating and training citizen and professional planners for over 75 years.

The Michigan Association of Planning is, operationally and organizationally, the largest state chapter of the American Planning Association (APA), which is recognized internationally as the premier organization dedicated to urban and regional planning. As the largest APA Chapter, MAP is backed by the strength of our members, and the extensive resources of APA. This enables the Association to expand its role as an advocate for best planning practices by advancing new ways of thinking and doing things in Michigan. As the Michigan Association of Planning increases its visibility and influence, we advance the credibility of the planning profession by transcending current approaches to planning and land use. We provide new models and tools that will result in improved development patterns that conserve land and resources, build a vital economy, and provide sustainability for the future.

Today, the Michigan Association of Planning is positioned as the state’s leading planning organization. We continue to provide cutting edge educational programs; our publications help planners make better decisions; our presence in Lansing as an advocate for improved planning practices is helping to form new legislation that will change the prevailing land development patterns and enhance both the built and natural environments. We have initiated research projects and best practices publications through increased grant funding. We are making a difference.

“Creating Great Communities for All”