Build Your Own Workshop - Pick Three

$75 member rate | $100 non-members


You spoke and we listened. Participants asked for more information on topics such as form based code, parking and green infrastructure. Look no further!  Contact MAP staff if you are interested.

The Michigan Association of Planning’s (MAP) is pleased to offer a new type of learning for your community. With the Build Your Own (BYO) Workshop series, you design the agenda using a dozen modules that can be mixed and matched to fit your needs.

What topics have your officials been interested in? Is there a new tool or issue that officials would like a primer on?

Select three modules from our comprehensive menu and MAP does the rest. These workshops will provide your officials with a greater understanding of more advanced planning topics and tools.

Our highly experienced instructors provide a deep dive into innovative planning tools and techniques. These modules have been pre-recorded. Once you register, you will receive access to view your sessions. You can view them as often as you like.

Asset Management - 36 minutes
This technical presentation includes an overview of the process, tools, and strategies for undertaking asset management and is best for staff or officials who have a basic understanding of CIP’s and asset management.

DDAs and TIFs - 35 minutes
Michigan has many different types of authorities that use Tax Increment Financing (TIF). Learn the different kinds of authorities available to government under state law; how tax increment financing works; and what projects are eligible.

Environmental Planning - 46 minutes
Rain gardens and complete streets are all aspects of environmental planning. This deep dive covers the relationship between land use and the natural environment, the importance of environmental planning and current trends.

Form Based Codes - 52 minutes
This presentation gets to the heart of Form Based Codes, including how they are different from conventional zoning, when a FBC is appropriate, how to incorporate FBC into your community’s codes, and next steps.

Housing - 30 minutes
Housing is an important issue in many communities. This presentation covers how a community should assess its housing needs and strategies for ensuring those needs are met. State and federal housing laws are also addressed.

Parking - 26 minutes
How can you ensure that parking remains the vital (but supporting) role in your downtown’s present and future? This workshop explains the past, present, and future of parking, along with case studies from small Michigan cities.

Planned Unit Development - 24 minutes
This workshop explains what exactly a PUD or Planned Unit Development is and how communities can leverage this powerful planning tool. If your community is considering adopting or amending its PUD ordinance, this workshop is for you.

Staying in Your Lane and Building Bridges - 34 minutes
Review the roles of your community's planning team including the Legislative Body, Downtown Development Authority, Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals to put the power of collaborative decision-making to work. You’ll come away with a better understanding of each player’s role and a “to do list” to help them be successful.

Target Market Analysis - 50 minutes
Target Market Analysis (TMA) is a powerful tool that can assist communities in planning and zoning. This presentation explains the in’s and out’s of TMA, provides an example case study, and gives you next steps.

Utility Basics - 48 minutes
A great primer for officials and non-engineering staff, this course explains how utilities-from sewers to electricity and everything in between--work, how they show up on site plans, and what best practices should be utilized going forward with new development.