About OPRA
As a statewide association of service providers, OPRA is a leader in efforts to collaboratively build a statewide service system that meets the needs of its ultimate customers: Ohioans with developmental disabilities. Currently, OPRA’s Membership consists of 178 provider organizations, both for-profit and not-for-profit, providing services to more than 40,000 Ohioans with developmental disabilities.
The Mission
To support and provide advocacy for providers to ensure the availability of high-quality programs, services, and funding adequate to support the individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities they serve to achieve a life of increasing independence, productivity and integration.
The Core Strategies
- To work with legislators, administrative agencies and other stakeholder groups, including families and community-based organizations, to shape public policies that deeply affect people with developmental disabilities.
- To protect the right of individuals and families to choose where and how their loved ones are cared for and supported, and our highest priority is providing and sustaining high-quality services for all Ohioans with disabilities.
- To promote the creation of a statewide structure that is rational, equitable, fair and effective.
Member Benefits
- Advocacy and representation with governmental bodies: OPRA has been the trusted voice for Ohio providers serving individuals with DD for 50 years.
- Timely news and information: OPRA connects its Members with what’s happening now, and helps manage change through Committee work and listserv communication.
- Events: OPRA is a leader in training and professional development.
- Resources and tools: OPRA connects Members with Members, and with other businesses that support providers, and offers a Member Directory, Job Bank, discounts, and more!