Technical Training

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Technical Training fills Knowledge Gaps

Technical training bundles are perfect for new industry hires, sales personnel and an employee who may need a refresher on specific industry content. 

FPDA has partnered with Tooling U-SME to provide self-paced e-Learning course bundles that address specific technical areas in the Fluid Power industry.  The courses in the EMA and Foundational bundle packages were designed to meet the competencies identified in the FPDA Job Task Analysis.   

All courses include mandatory pre-tests and post-tests to measure improvement. Click Pre To Post Test Improvement Scores  for a sample of the measured improvement for members who have 287 course completions through the different pre-packaged bundles.  

Bundle Available:  
  1. Electro-Mechanical-Automation Bundle: $635 (20% Disc) (35 courses) 
  2. Foundational Course Bundle: $475 (20 courses) 

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