Class Evaluation--Reflex OB with Peggy Scott

Thank you for participating in this study group sponsored by SOBI. Please take a moment to provide feedback on the class and complete this form by June 30. If you have any questions, let us know.

Your responses will be sent to Peggy anonymously. Your class certificate will be emailed to you following receipt of your evaluation. THANK YOU! We appreciate your input.

Full Name (as you would like it to appear on your class certificate)
Email (where you would like your certificate sent)

1. Was the information presented in a clear, understandable manner?
Please rate if relevant:

2. Was the material relevant to your needs?
Please rate if relevant:

3. How would you rate the overall course?

4. Would you recommend this class?

5. Was the format easy to access and understand?
Please rate if relevant:

6. Was the Zoom technology easy to use?

7. Was the audio/video aspect compatible for the study group?

8. What would you change, if anything?

9. Any other comments or anything you would like to share?

Check this box if you would like a response from SOBI about your feedback (other than your certificate).

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