SOBI Membership Levels and Benefits
Practitioners-Advanced Practitioners
Instructors-Advanced Instructors
Student Members – Anyone who is interested in Ortho-Bionomy or takes an occasional class may become a student member on SOBI. These members may not be on a professional track, but they do want to learn more about Ortho-Bionomy and support their friends and family with what they are learning.
Associate Members – Associate members of SOBI have completed a basic proficiency level of Ortho-Bionomy training. This includes 114 hours of training and recommendation for approval by a Registered SOBI Instructor. Many Associate members have training in other approaches to healing, and, add Ortho-Bionomy to the work they are already doing.
Associates in Practitioner Training – This is for Associate members who have committed to completing the SOBI Practitioner Training Program (PTP) and becoming professional members.
Registered Practitioners – Registered Practitioners have completed the 500 hours Practitioner Training Program (PTP). Evolvement to this level confirms that they have a competent understanding of the practice of Ortho-Bionomy. They have been recommended by their evaluating instructors and the Practitioner Review Committee (PRC) for evolvement and approved by the board.
Registered Advanced Practitioners – Have completed an additional 500 hours of training. Advanced Practitioners have demonstrated a deeper understanding of Ortho-Bionomy principles. They have been recommended by their evaluating instructors and the Practitioner Review Committee (PRC) for evolvement and approved by the board.
Associate Instructors – Have completed their Advanced Practitioner Training. They also attended a 40-hour Instructor Training Seminar (ITS) and completed the minimum required bench-assists with evaluations by the supervising instructor of each class. They have been recommended by their supervising instructors and the instructor Review Committee (IRC) for evolvement and approved by the board.
Registered Instructors – Have attended a second 40-hour Instructor Training Seminar, completed the minimum required co-teaches with evaluations. They have been recommended by their supervising instructors and the instructor Review Committee (IRC) for evolvement and approved by the board.
Associate Advanced Instructors – Have completed the recommended number of bench assists, co-teaches and a supervised teach in Phase 5. They have been recommended by their supervising instructors and the instructor Review Committee (IRC) for evolvement and approved by the board.
Advanced Instructors – Have completed the recommended number of bench assists, co-teaches and a supervised teach in Phase 6 before they have been recommended by their supervising instructors and the instructor Review Committee (IRC) for evolvement and approved by the board.