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Interested in taking a session? Use the "Find a Practitioner" search below to view SOBI registered Ortho-Bionomy practitioners.

Looking to take a class in Ortho-Bionomy? Use the "Find an Instructor" search or visit our Find a Class page . All instructors are also Advanced Practitioners.

Search using one of these two options:
1. Search by Last Name, First Name, and/or State
2. Search by Address/Zip Code
The search will not perform properly if you use both options at once. 

To see a list of all members in your state select your state from the dropdown list without inputting any other information.

To see a full list of all Society of Ortho-Bionomy International members click on the blue Find bar without inputting any information.

All Practitioners, Advanced Practitioners, and Instructors have completed the 505-hour Practitioner Training Program. In addition, Advanced Practitioners and Instructors have completed the 504-hour Advanced Practitioner Training Program.  Instructors have further completed the Instructor Training Program and beyond. Associate members have completed 114 hours of Ortho-Bionomy training and have been evaluated by an Ortho-Bionomy Instructor.

Only Registered Ortho-Bionomy Instructors are authorized to teach Ortho-Bionomy classes. 

If you do not see someone near you, we suggest you contact an instructor in your state to see if they are aware of someone close to you.

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The information provided on this website is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her physician. Always consult with your physician, psychiatrist, psychotherapist or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any health program. Any benefits or claims are based on our personal experience with clients. ​

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