Society Sponsored Events

Study GroupsOrtho-Bionomy

SOBI sponsors monthly online study groups via Zoom held the third Thursday each month. These count as study group credit in the Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner Training Programs.  

Each month different Registered Associate Instructors-Advanced Instructors of Ortho-Bionomy cover varied topics and provide opportunities for participants to ask questions about their ongoing training.

Upcoming Study Groups

SOBI Member Support Group

(formerly known as the Practitioner Support Group)

A free online support group open to all SOBI members.

This group meeting is held on the first Monday of each month via Zoom and looks at issues of importance to the participants' Ortho-Bionomy practice and training.

Remaining groups for 2024: September 2nd, October 7th, November 4th, December 2nd

8:00pm ET, 7:00pm CT, 6:00pm MT, 5:00pm PT

Contact to RSVP


Coordinators Corner Support Group

A free online group through ZOOM open to all SOBI members.

Erin Long facilitates the meetings for coordinators and aspiring coordinators to share ideas, resources, and experience.

Remaining groups for 2024: October 2nd, November 12th

8:00pm ET, 7:00pm CT, 6:00pm MT, 5:00pm PT

Contact to RSVP


2024 Society of Ortho-Bionomy International 

Annual General Meeting

Members can access the Zoom recording of the April 29, 2024 AGM in the Minutes and Annual Reports tab in the Members Only section of the website.


OB Bookstore

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