How Ortho Bionomy Was Developed

Ortho-Bionomy is a modality which stems from the osteopathic philosophy that the body has everything it needs to find balance and healing. The principles being:

• Health is dependent upon structural integrity

• Structure governs function

• The rule of the artery is supreme

Ortho-Bionomy was developed by Arthur Lincoln Pauls, a British osteopath, who wanted to find a way to work with the body which honored the body’s own inherent wisdom. From his experience as a Judo Instructor and through his training as an osteopath, he found ways of working with the body by exaggerating the body’s preferred positions and postures, thereby permitting the body’s self-correcting reflexes to create greater balance and alignment. Pauls discovered that by working WITH the body and not against it, the body could find balance on its own without using force as a means of correction.

The term “ Ortho-Bionomy” comes from the Greek translation of “ortho” meaning to correct or straight and “bio” meaning life, and “nomy” meaning the laws of life or study of. Dr Pauls defined the term then as “the correct application of the laws of life.

Pauls defined the term “Ortho-Bionomy” as “the correct application of the laws of life”, that Ortho-Bionomy is really about understanding your whole life cycle. Naturally we focus on structure because that is the literal skeleton upon which our life is built.

Pauls began teaching Ortho-Bionomy in the US in 1976 starting in Berkely, CA. and he taught extensively in the UK and Europe. Since then Ortho-Bionomy training has been made available throughout the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Europe. Efforts are now being made to take Ortho-Bionomy into Brasil and Asia.

Over the years Pauls original students became teachers of Ortho-Bionomy and carry the work forward with the vision of that Ortho-Bionomy be available to everyone everywhere.

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