Why Learn Ortho-Bionomy?

Ortho-Bionomy for the shoulder and upper armOrtho-Bionomy can change the dynamic of your practice, from trying to “fix” your clients to working with your clients to support and facilitate their individual healing process. With Ortho-Bionomy, clients actively participate in their own recovery and healing.

Practitioners facilitate the process of finding balance and ease with gentle, non-invasive positioning and movement that works with chronic stress, injuries and pains or problems associated with postural and structural imbalances. These gentle positions, and movements, combined with self care techniques, facilitate changes in the client’s stress and pain patterns. With Ortho-Bionomy, we recognize the client’s pattern, find the position of comfort, exaggerate the position of comfort, and in turn support the body’s self-correcting reflexes.

Using Ortho-Bionomy can increase the scope of your practice and draw a wider client base. Because Ortho-Bionomy is gentle and non-invasive, it can often be utilized when massage or other approaches are contra-indicated. Additionally, as Ortho-Bionomy is practiced with clothing on, you can attract clients who have trauma and/or body issues and are more comfortable remaining clothed.

Ortho-Bionomy integrates beautifully with other modalities, including massage and bodywork, because Ortho-Bionomy opposes nothing.

By attending Ortho-Bionomy classes, you have the opportunity to understand the principles of Ortho-Bionomy and practice through hands on experience. You can take what you have learned and apply it in your practice right away. These skills are a great way to set yourself apart from other therapists in your area.

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