
TRUSTEE Constituency: Private Practice, Business/Industry & Agencies (2022-25)

Courtney Warnsman, PhD

Courtney Warnsman, Ph.D. has been a career development facilitator for nearly 20 years. She works at Austin Career Connections in Austin delivering career transition and development services to individual clients across functional roles and industries.

In addition to her full-time work, Courtney currently serves as the Trustee for Private Practice, Business/Industry, and agencies on the board of the National Career Development Association (NCDA) as well as Executive Development Program Consultant for the Baylor University Executive MBA Program. She has recently been tapped to serve on the advisory board of The Chiral Project, a startup venture exploring the unique challenges that women have experienced as they have either chosen or been forced to step back professionally during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Courtney’s past endeavors include being the resident resume “tweaker” for the Launch Pad Job Club as well as a member of the Graduate Dean’s Advisory Group at the University of Texas, a group dedicated to developing career services programs for Doctoral Candidates who do not want to work in the academy.

Courtney combines knowledge, humor, and tough love when helping people reach their career goals. She says, "Career transition can be a stressful time; I strive to lighten the load a little, providing advice and direction (of course) but, more importantly, giving a laugh, a hug, or a kick in the pants when warranted." 

Courtney received her Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees from the University of Texas at Austin.




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