Advocacy Alerts, Reports & News

Seth Hayden At Membership MtgNCDA has made public policy an important cornerstone of its work, as described in NCDA's Philosophy on Public Policy: Advocating for Career Development.

The NCDA Government Relations Committee supports the advocacy efforts of NCDA members working in the field of career development.

NCDA Federal Advocacy 2023-2024

NOTE: Policy Areas are not in order of priority. Priority of these areas will be ever-evolving to mirror prominent issues within the legislature.

Policy Areas (click here to download this list)

  1. Employment Opportunities and Job Market Adaptability
    • Focus 1: Advocating for federal policies that foster a dynamic and inclusive job market, ensuring opportunities for all skill levels and backgrounds.
    • Focus 2: Pushing for legislation that supports job transition programs, particularly for workers in declining industries or those impacted by automation and digital transformation.
    • Focus 3: Collaboration with federal agencies to develop and promote initiatives that match job seekers with opportunities based on current and forecasted labor market trends.
  2. Student Career Services
    • Focus 1: Educate policymakers and advocate for the continuum of career services from early education through the end of life, with particular emphasis on meaning and purpose derived from work.
    • Focus 2: Advocating for and supporting funding for high-quality career services in K-12 settings.
    • Focus 3: Advocating for and supporting funding for high-quality career services in higher education institutions at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional (e.g. law and medical school) levels.
    • Focus 4: Advocating for and supporting funding for high-quality career services in vocational programs, community programs, and additional services for minors and adults.
  3. Professional Accreditation and Certification Standards
    • Focus: Lobbying for federal standards and support for the accreditation and certification of career development professionals to ensure quality and uniformity across the field, with particular emphasis on NCDA’s professional and ethical standards, including credentials approved by the NCDA Credentialing Commission.
  4. Access to Professional Development
    • Focus: Advocacy for federal grants or subsidies aimed at promoting ongoing professional development among practitioners and educators in the career development field.
  5. Workforce Development and Education
    • Focus: Collaboration with federal agencies, including the Department of Education and the Department of Labor, to integrate career development into national education policies and workforce development programs.
  6. Equal Opportunity and Inclusion
    • Focus: Promoting legislation that ensures all individuals, especially those from underrepresented and marginalized groups, have equitable access to career development resources and opportunities.
    • Focus: Advocating for legislation to protect workers from discrimination, especially those from underrepresented and marginalized groups.
  7. Special Populations
    • Focus: Advocating for legislation and programs that support special populations, including military veterans, individuals with disabilities, reentering formerly incarcerated individuals, immigrants, and other groups with barriers to workforce participation.
  8. Mental Health and Career Development
    • Focus: Pushing for policies that integrate career development as part of broader mental health and well-being initiatives at the federal level.
  9. Funding for Research and Innovation
    • Focus: Advocating for federal funding to facilitate research in career development trends, technologies, and best practices.
  10. Small Business Development
    • Focus: Support funding and programs supporting small businesses, including tax structures to support small businesses and their owners.
  11. Data Privacy and Ethical Compliance
    • Focus: Advocacy for ethical standards and data protection laws relevant to the gathering and storage of client information in the career development sector.


Resources on Supreme Court Decisions Regarding Race-based Admissions and Student Loan Forgiveness

The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) would like to bring attention to additional information and resources regarding recent decisions by the United States Supreme Court that will impact institutions of higher education.


Call to Action!

NCDA MEMBERS: Tell Your Story!

At a time when our nation is facing unprecedented challenges, the wide range of services that NCDA members provide will be important factors in helping individuals across the age span.

Congress is often considering proposals that would significantly increase annual funding by billions of dollars for a number of programs, including:

  • Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Programs (Adult, Dislocated Worker, State Formula Grants, Youth)
  • Employment Services Grants
  • Apprenticeship Grants
  • Native American Programs
  • Ex-Offender Activities
  • Youth Build
  • JobCorps
  • Career and Technical Education State Grants
  • Adult Education and Family Literacy State Grants
  • K-12 Education
  • Higher Education

Telling your story of the clients you serve and the services you provide will likely be the best way of letting potential clients, your community, and elected leaders know of the services you and other NCDA members provide and at the same time make clear the need for legislation and budgets to fund them. It is very important that you share information about the clients or populations you serve, the services you provide, techniques you use, and successes you have achieved with professional colleagues and your representatives at the state and federal levels.

Contact your members of Congress and let them know how important it is that your efforts are properly resourced as they look to pass legislation to help the workforce. Use the information on these NCDA Advocacy pages to respond to the call to action!