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OABA Shares Concerns Over CSX’s New Rate System

In a previous article, the Ohio AgriBusiness Association updated members on the CSX Transportation Corporation’s new rate system and how it will impact grain shippers in the Mideast. OABA has now shared concerns with both the Surface Transportation Board and Ohio’s congressional delegation. OABA is also working closely with the National Grain and Feed Association, which has been in direct contact with CSX.

CSX has indicated it will finalize rate changes by the end of May. In addition, the organization has expressed that it prefers to work directly with customers on an individual basis. CSX is currently evaluating customer feedback to determine if any additional adjustments need to be incorporated before finalizing the new rates. OABA strongly encourages any company affected by these rate changes to work with your company’s CSX representative directly to share concerns.

OABA also encourages companies to share their specific situation with the Surface Transportation Board through their Rail Customer and Public Assistance program. Click here for more information or complete the confidential request form here. This office also can be contacted directly by calling 866-254-1792 or by emailing

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