Priority Issues
OABA advocates for its members on today’s top agribusiness issues.
OABA’s priority issues transcend local, state, and national levels – prioritizing appropriate and responsible government spending, acceptance and permission to operate by the general public, and a viable consumer.
Breakthrough products and technologies improve crop insect resistance and herbicide tolerance and help facilitate environmentally sustainable farming practices. Strong advocacy education for biotechnology and its positive long term benefits is crucial.
Properly managed fertilizer supports cropping systems that provide economic, environmental and social benefits. We recognize the 4R Nutrient Stewardship program as the foundation for all agricultural nutrient management practices.
Businesses must regularly navigate various federal, state, regional, city and other regulatory authorities for nearly everything they touch. The agriculture industry advocates for a more practical approach to sensible regulations to ensure we remain competitive with other states and countries.
We work with our national partners to protect and expand market access for U.S. agricultural exports. In 2017 alone, U.S. food and agricultural export value exceeded $138 billion and created an estimated $177 billion in additional U.S. economic activity, and represented the single largest U.S. manufacturing sector – constituting 12 percent of all U.S. manufacturing jobs.
The U.S. transportation infrastructure system has contributed to U.S. agricultural competitiveness and has provided a strong comparative advantage against foreign competitors for years. Today this infrastructure is facing significant challenges including inadequate capacity to handle the growing levels of traffic and commerce, deteriorating road and bridge conditions, and an antiquated national waterway structure.
Our agribusiness workforce has traditionally been made up of farmers or individuals who were raised on a farm. Today’s demographics and unfortunate misconceptions about agricultural jobs have created voids in both traditional agribusiness positions and newer, emerging fields such as biotechnology and precision agriculture. Ohio agribusinesses are struggling to fill current job openings which tax our entire industry.