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Section 199A Explainer from National Grain and Feed Association

The National Grain and Feed Association has provided a one-page overview document about the impacts of Section 199A legislative fix. Click here to download the one-pager.

This description of the Section 199A fix that was signed into law on March 23, 2018, was developed by NGFA and is being made available with NGFA permission. It may be useful in explaining impacts of the Section 199A solution, which replicates to the greatest extent possible tax benefits to cooperatives and producers of the previous Section 199 in effect in Dec. 2017, while also re-establishing the competitive balance that existed in Dec. 2017. Per the disclaimer, it is believed to be accurate but should not be used as the basis for legal or tax advice. This summary is a very good example of resources and information available from the NGFA. If your company is not yet a member of the NGFA, additional information is available at or from Todd Kemp at

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