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OABA Attends National Grain & Feed Association Fly-In
This past week Ohio AgriBusiness Association leaders participated in a congressional fly in with our national partner, the National Grain and Feed Association. While in Washington DC, our delegation visited several of our Members of Congress and networked with other agriculture organizations in attendance.
Attending on behalf of OABA were Chris Henney, OABA President & CEO; Eli Earich, Barrett, Easterday, Cunningham & Eselgroth LLP; Andy Swerlein and Heath Barnes, Mercer Landmark, Inc.; Jean Bratton, Centerra Co-op; and Bill Wallbrown, Deerfield Ag Services, Inc.
Discussions topics included farm bill priorities, transportation issues, trade and other topics important to the grain, feed and processing industry.
Several NGFA fly-in topics are outlined below:
- Farm Bill: Support the CRP Reform Act of 2023 sponsored by Sens. Cory Booker, D-N.J., and Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa; and support bills introduced in the House and Senate to increase funding to USDA’s Market Access Program (MAP) and Foreign Market Development Program (FMDP) -- the Agriculture Export Promotion Act of 2023 (HR 648) and Expanding Agricultural Exports Act (S. 176).
- Rail Service: Pass an STB reauthorization, which expired in 2020; support legislation that would better define rail carriers’ common carrier obligation; and insist that any rail safety legislation balances enhanced safety measures with efficient rail network service.
- Trade with Mexico: If a resolution to Mexico’s ban on some biotech corn imports cannot be reached, the U.S. should take steps to enforce its rights under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).
- Waterways: Maintain navigational access to the Lower Snake River Dams; and oversee investments to modernize locks and dams on the inland waterways.
- Trucking: Support several NGFA-backed bills approved by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in May, including the Licensing Individual Commercial Exam-takers Now Safety and Efficiently (LICENSE) Act of 2023 (HR 3013) sponsored by Rep. Darin LaHood, R-Ill.; 10% Axle Variance for Dry Bulk, sponsored by Rep. Rick Crawford, R-Ark.; Developing Responsible Individuals for a Vibrant Economy (DRIVE) Safe Integrity Act, sponsored by Rep. Crawford; and 91,000- lb. Weight Exemption Pilot Program, sponsored by Rep. Dusty Johnson, R-S.D.