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May & June Workshops from the OSU Leadership Center - OABA Member Service Partner


The Ohio AgriBusiness Association is pleased to partner with The Ohio State University Leadership Center, granting members access to outstanding professional development workshops. Check out the upcoming offerings from the OSU Leadership Center.

May 2 - Comunication and Conflict Management (online)

How well do you manage conflict? Conflict is a part of our daily lives. How we manage conflict impact has a direct impact on the quality, our work. Effectively dealing with and using conflict as a positive tool is a major component of success in current or future leadership roles.  Register today for this May 2nd online workshop. For more information, or to register, click here. Jeff King is facilitating this workshop.

May 3 - Problem-Solving, Creativity and Teamwork for Success (online)

Teamwork can be hard! Have you ever been frustrated with a team member and how they approach a task? Why they problem solve differently than you? Why some people think “inside the box” and others can’t even “see the box”? This training will enhance your understanding of team dynamics in problem solving and increase group cohesion, effectiveness, and team building. Join Beth Flynn for this May 3rd online workshop. Click here for more information or to register.

June 6 - Effective Meeting Facilitation: Getting the Most Out of Your Group

A good facilitator makes the difference between the success and failure of a group. Have you ever left a meeting where the group’s decision still didn’t feel right or where everyone still wasn’t on the same page? Attend this June 6th in-person workshop to learn how to be effective at facilitating people through processes that provide useful information and data in making decisions and developing ownership over those decisions. Jera Niewoehner-Green is facilitating this workshop. For more information, click here

More upcoming workshops 


Register Now for August Foundational Leadership Certificate Co-hort

The OSU Leadership Center wants to help you develop the skills needed to be a high performing leader through gaining the Foundational Leadership Certificate.

The Foundational Leadership Certificate allows you the opportunity to further your education, personally develop, create relationships with other industry professionals, and grow as a leader within the workplace. This will express to your employer your dedication to professional development and exhibit your efforts to creating an efficient and productive environment. Throughout the workshops required, one-on-one attention will be given to address your individual strengths and weaknesses in order to create a personalized and effective experience.

Foundational Leadership Certificate

If you require an accommodation such as live captioning or interpretation to participate in this event, please contact Beth Flynn at or 614-292-3114. Requests made 10 days prior to the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet requests made after this date.

The Ohio AgriBusiness Association is pleased to offer its members a wide variety of leadership opportunities, like our partnership with the OSU Leadership Center, through the Advancing Modern Professionals for Tomorrow Program. The program offers leadership opportunities at all levels to prepare leaders to take the next step in their professional careers. Learn more here. 

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